About 40 varieties of teppanyaki and a la carte dishes are available for you to choose from

Teppanyaki dishes are seasoned in ways that bring out the flavors of the ingredients. Butter-grilled seafood, sauce-based dishes, and many other varieties are available.
With a diverse selection of a la carte dishes and owner’s recommendations, you will be surprised by our offers as always.
Recommended Teppanyaki Dish

Domestic Wagyu Beef
A crispy texture with great scent outside, yet rare on the inside. A reasonable price for 120 g of choice domestic wagyu beef.

Japanese Cheese Omelet
Steamed after being cooked, it rises and becomes fluffy like a souffle.
Its fluffiness makes it a popular dish too.

Grilled Offal
Plump grilled offal that coats well with our special savory sauce spiced with chili.
Goes perfectly with beer.
Multiple-Course Meals
Recommended for parties for groups of 4 diners or more

Special Multiple-Course
Meal for Parties
( include tax)~
- Course content
- French Fries, Okonomiyaki, Teppanyaki 2 kinds, Yakisoba, 1 Meat Dish
- Comes with 90 minutes of all-you-can-drink
(30 minutes before last call) - Beer, Highball, Whiskey, Wine by the Glass, Akadama Sweet Wine, Cocktail, Japanese Sake, Ume Plum Wine, Shochu, Soft Drink
(With Draft Beer: +¥500)
*Multiple-course meals are available for groups of 4 diners or more.
*Please make a reservation at least two days prior to your visit.
*If you are allergic to or do not like certain ingredients, kindly inform us when making a reservation.
*The contents of multiple-course meals can be changed according to your budget or request.